6 Tips to Get Organised Before Moving House

Posted on 18/02/2016

moving house

Moving house and starting anew is one of the most exciting events in anyone’s life, however it is also one of the most stressful. Only when you begin the lengthy process of sorting and packing will you see the extent of the clutter you have built up over the years. Dealing with this is enough to give anybody a nervous breakdown, especially when you combine it with all the other stresses of moving, such as dealing with mortgage brokers and estate agents. However, it doesn’t need to be this way, like most things in life organisation is the key to success. To make your relocation as stress free as possible, here are 6 tips to get organised before the big move.

house movers

Get a Move in Date as Early as Possible
When you have finally found the home of your dreams and your offer has been accepted, don’t hang around for everyone else to get their act together, be proactive! As soon as you possibly can try and get a concrete moving date, and if you can’t get a specific date try to get the rest of the chain to at least agree to a week/month. This will give you a target to work towards, giving you time to get everything sorted and meaning that you won’t be thrown in at the deep end at the last minute.

moving checklist

Keep a Moving Folder
Keep multiple moving folders! There is no such thing as being too organised. Create a folder that includes all of the important documentation relating to the move including a moving checklist, keep it in chronological order and make use of labels. It’s also a good idea to keep a folder that includes other information relating to the move. For example, do you want to make some renovations on your new home? Keep a folder full of ideas, photos and the details of local contractors.

removal company

Check out Removal Companies
Some people prefer to get the job done themselves and forego the use of a removal company, however if you really are serious about decreasing the stress levels, then getting someone to do all the hard work for you is definitely the way to go. In order to make sure you are using the best company around, talk to friends, family and neighbours and ask them for personal referrals. Research the companies discussed and get in touch with them to talk about what you need, including the logistics of the move such as accessibility to your current home and your new home.

house floor plan

Ask for a Floor Plan
Whether you are taking your existing furniture to your new home or going all out and buying everything brand new, it’s all got to be put somewhere. Ask to see a floor plan of your new home and get your measuring tape out. Moving furniture will be far easier when you have a plan of where to put it when you move in, then on moving day you won’t find yourself spending 4 hours moving the sofa.


Clear it out
Starting out in a new home is the perfect opportunity to get rid of some of that clutter. Be brutal, if you haven’t used it in 6 months, get rid. Try to minimise the amount of belongings you need to move to the new house. Having all of this done before moving day will be a fantastic stress release for you and the family.

forward mail

Forward Your Mail
Around two weeks before you move, you really need to start behaving as if you’re already living in the new house. Organise for your mail to be forwarded to your new address. It’s best to have this in place for at least a year until everything settles down.

Josh Worrall
Josh Worrall

With his extensive expertise in removals, Josh distinguishes himself in crafting informative articles that span various removals aspects, providing valuable tips for both home and office removals. His assistance has proven pivotal in ensuring stress-free moves for hundreds of individuals.