How to Make Moving House as Eco and Wallet Friendly as Possible

Posted on 11/02/2016

house removals

Making your removal a wallet friendly one may seem like extra hassle if your moving checklist is already brimming with tasks. However, by following these simple tips you will save yourself money and hassle whilst minimising your carbon footprint.

packing supplies

Packing materials – This is a great opportunity for you to reuse all of that old cardboard and paper that you have been meaning to get rid of.  By reusing materials to act as protective packaging material, you are saving yourself money whilst simultaneously reducing your environmental impact. Don’t be afraid to get creative with this one; many things can act as packaging, like pillow cases or duvet covers. There are no rules!

removal boxes

Boxes – It is surprisingly easy to pick up good quality boxes for free. If you are in need of extra boxes (in the case that your man and van/removal company have run out) then many supermarkets and wholesalers will give you their old boxes for free. It never hurts to ask and it works for both parties, as you are relieving companies of their recycling whilst saving yourself money. Another alternative is to ask neighbours if they have any old boxes. Many people have boxes from previous relocations stored in their garage or shed, so you may be doing them a favour by taking them off their hands.

house relocation

Small removals – Small items can often be packaged in more casual packaging. Using eco-friendly shopping bags (bags for life) is a great alternative to using new boxes. Try packing soft items like towels and pillows in large bags or even bin liners, as these bags can later be reused for their intended purpose.

have a picnic

Have a picnic – Often you will find that you are left with half opened packets of crackers and other food items when packing up kitchen items. Instead of throwing them away, place all of these half opened food items in a bag, as they will come in handy when you are in the process of moving and fancy something to snack on! Moving is hungry work, so eating up random food items over the period of the day is a great way to prevent yourself buying unnecessary food whilst simultaneous minimising food waste. And besides, who knows what you’ll find in the back of the food cupboard!

removal company

Compare removal companies – It is beneficial to do your research before deciding which removal company to go with. Depending on the distance of your move, it may be more cost effective to hire a man and a van for large removals (such as furniture removal) and then move smaller items yourself by car. Also, this way you are less likely to unnecessary overuse packaging and rethink the size of your move. Furthermore, cars use less fuel than large removal trucks. Alternatively, evaluate which removal company gives you the most for your money whilst providing an adequate service to suit your removal needs.


Declutter beforehand – A good thing to do is to go through all clothing and knick-knacks before packing them into boxes. You will find many items you no longer use and do not need! A good rule of thumb(especially for clothing) is to ask yourself whether you have worn it in the past year. If the answer is no then consider donating it to charity or taking it to the recycling centre. Many charity shops are in need of stock, so you will be doing them a great service whilst reducing the size of your removal items. Furthermore, the less you need to move, the less the removal cost will be.

Josh Worrall
Josh Worrall

With his extensive expertise in removals, Josh distinguishes himself in crafting informative articles that span various removals aspects, providing valuable tips for both home and office removals. His assistance has proven pivotal in ensuring stress-free moves for hundreds of individuals.