How to Survive Summer Heat While Moving

Posted on 13/09/2016

moving home in summer

Moving house in summer can be rather challenging. It is a highly preferred season for moving as the weather is nice and there is less chance of rain or strong wind. However, house relocation during the hottest season can be very stressful and can cause serious damages to your belongings. Here you can find some useful tips on how to survive the heat while moving in the summer.

1) Be as organized as possible

You need to start planning your move weeks before it is actually done. Hire a reputable removal company in advance to make sure that they will be available on the day you’ve chosen for your move. You need to start packing your things so that everything is prepared efficiently. That way you won’t rush around in the heat and try to deal with everything in the last minute.

planning house removals

2) Reduce the amount of items you will move

You can make three categories for your belongings:

-    Things I need to keep
-    Things I’d better donate
-    Things I need to get rid of

When moving home in the hot summer you’d better lighten the load. You can easily do that by sorting through your belongings. Think of the things you need to get rid of. You don’t have to transport old or broken items that you probably won’t need at your new home.

A good thing to do is to donate some of your old clothes, shoes or toys to a charitable organization. Make sure you take with you only the things you actually need.

sort through your things

3) Hire a professional moving company

House relocation can be so much easier and faster when using professional removal services. By hiring a man and van you actually lower the risk of overheating as well as injuring yourself when trying to move some heavy furniture. Book a removal van in advance so that it will be free on the exact day of your move.

Man with a van services can be the best option for you. You just need to find a reliable and reputable company that will handle your move efficiently and professionally.

house movers

4) Go for a morning move

It will be a great idea to move early in the morning so that it will be still cool. This way you can beat the heat. Book your moving company to arrive very early in the morning and load your belongings while the weather is not so hot. Always stay hydrated and wear light clothing.

If you hire professional movers make sure to give them cold water regularly so that they are hydrated too.

morning house relocation

5) Take your valuable items with you

You should keep in mind that the temperatures in the moving van will be extremely high. That’s why you need to pay special attention to your most valuable belongings. You can take them with you in the car. There are lots of heat-sensitive items in every home, such as candles, CDs and DVDs, metal appliances, leather furniture, etc. Try to protect them from the heat.

moving heat sensitive items

As you can see, there are lots of things that you should keep in mind when moving during the summer. However, don’t let the heat scare you. If you arrange everything on time you can actually experience a well-organized move. Try to find a reputable company that will help you deal with everything. That way you can save yourself lots of efforts. Professional movers will know exactly how to handle a move in the best possible way. If it is possible arrange for the company to come early in the morning so that the weather will be still relatively cool. Remember to choose your clothes according to the summer conditions. Go for light clothing in bright colours in order not to absorb the sun rays. Stay hydrated and make sure your movers are also hydrated. These tips will definitely help you survive the summer heat when moving home. It won’t be that scary when you know how to avoid it.

Josh Worrall
Josh Worrall

With his extensive expertise in removals, Josh distinguishes himself in crafting informative articles that span various removals aspects, providing valuable tips for both home and office removals. His assistance has proven pivotal in ensuring stress-free moves for hundreds of individuals.