Moving to the UK: How to Apply for a Permanent Residency

Posted on 29/01/2016

relocation in the UK

What are some of the most common reasons for relocation to the United Kingdom? A trip to the UK will give you a taste of its interesting culture, impressive historical background and vibrant atmosphere. Apart from its rich abundance of tourist gems, the UK attracts more and more people with the great opportunities in the country for personal and professional development, work and overall better way of life.

Have you thought of moving to another country? If you are planning to relocate to the UK for a long period of time, you should know the steps for applying for a permanent residency in the country. The procedure is different for EU citizens and the non-EU citizens.

living in England

What is the permanent residence document?

It is a not compulsory document that officially confirms your right to live in the UK permanently. It should not be mistaken with the registration certificate in the UK which is compulsory. The eligible citizens of the EU who can apply for permanent residence should have been living in the UK for at least 5 years continuously. The fees for issuing the document are equal to the costs you would pay for an identity card. The permanent residence document is valid for 10 years. After this period you won’t have to relocate or apply again because it should be renewed automatically.  

residents of the EU

Relocation of EU residents in the UK

All residents of the EU have the right to travel and live in another country of the European Union, including the United Kingdom. The purpose of the permanent residence document is for dealing with the authorities. Until you obtain the document, you might have to prove to the authorities that you have a health insurance, a job etc. The eligible citizens of the EU who can apply for the document should submit:

-    Papers and documents that prove that they have been living in the UK legally for at least 5 years continuously. You can submit various supporting documents, like rental contracts, work contracts, tax returns etc.
-    If you have stopped working, you have to submit proof of that and apply for earlier permanent residence.

rental contract

Relocation of non-EU citizens in the UK

People who come from non-EU countries and have lived in the UK for at least five years of continuous legal residence can apply for a permanent residence card. It should happen at the end of their 5th year of living in the UK. The fees for issuing of the card are the same as the costs for issuing an identity card. Usually authorities issue the permanent residence card free of charge. It is valid for 10 years. After the end of this period, the card will be automatically renewed. It happens without additional requirements or conditions. It means that you won’t have to be moving house and plan relocation after the end of this period.

Non-EU residents should submit the following:

-    A proof that they have been living legally in the UK for at least 5 years. You can use the previously issued card 5 years ago, a rental contract, a work contract and etc.

Refugees and residents

Refugees and residents under humanitarian protection

Refugees and people under humanitarian protection can relocate to the UK by getting an “indefinite leave to remain.” It is a settlement that gives them the right to stay in the UK without time restrictions.

There are no fees for applying for the settlement. The eligible candidates should have a clear criminal record. The submitting of the application happens by post (not in person). As part of the application process refugees and people who are under humanitarian protection should provide biometric information.

Josh Worrall
Josh Worrall

With his extensive expertise in removals, Josh distinguishes himself in crafting informative articles that span various removals aspects, providing valuable tips for both home and office removals. His assistance has proven pivotal in ensuring stress-free moves for hundreds of individuals.